Behind The Scenes: A Marriott Photo Shoot

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What's an agency photo shoot really like?

Briene Lermitte | AUGUST 1, 2013

The many moving parts of a photo shoot are thrilling to manage. You spend weeks putting everything in place—models, locations, contracts, lighting, make-up, food service, flights, schedules, shot lists, accommodations—and then you hold your breath and hope the pieces fall into place!


It can be done! Even when…

– The costumes don’t arrive from Saudi and you need to take a trip to the Middle Eastern market in London.
– The door locks on the staging room with all the equipment, food and personal belongings inside.
– The authorities tell you to move along, just when you’ve got the equipment all set up.
– It means climbing through piles of dirty hotel towels
– You can’t locate your lighting crew, despite ubiquitous cell phones.
– You have to play a game of “Simon Says” to coach a genuine-looking laugh from the child talent.



– Make sure everyone is well fed.
– Make a full schedule of events, even though you know it will change.
– Make-up artists are a MUST.
– Clipboards magnify your authority.


And the most important learning of all: Get ready to get your hands dirty.

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